Copenhagen School of Design and Technology

Prior volumes

Web Development

Curriculum framework

This is a translated version of the Danish curriculum. In case of any discrepancies between this curriculum and the Danish curriculum, the text in the Danish curriculum applies.

Act no. 1343 of 10th December 2019 on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Lov om erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser).

Ministerial Order on Technical and Mercantile Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om tekniske og merkantile erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser).

Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om adgang til erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser). 

Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om prøver og eksamen i erhvervsrettede videregående uddannelser).

Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale and Other Forms of Assessment of Study Programmes Offered under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (the Grading Scale Order) (Bekendtgørelse om karakterskala og anden bedømmelse ved uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område).

  • Graduate Title

    The programme gives the graduate the right to use the title Bachelor of web development. The danish title is Professionsbachelor i webudvikling.

  • Programme purpose, duration and level

    The purpose of the programme is to qualify the graduate to function independently as a web specialist in the design and construction of web applications, web architecture and internet communication in internal development departments in companies or in consulting or software companies within the area of web development.

    The programme has a nominal length of study equivalent to 90 ECTS credits comprising:

    1) Programme elements with a total scope of 60ECTS credits and organised within the academic areas of the programme.

    3) Internship with a total scope of 15 ECTS credits.

    4) Final exam project of 15 ECTS credits.

Subject areas

The programme elements are organised within the following subject areas, which comprise a total of 60 ECTS credits weighted in the ratio of 4:1:1.

1) Web Programming: The subject area involves development and modelling of web applications, including architecture, robustness, techniques for troubleshooting, commissioning and maintenance. The subject area also includes modelling and exchange of data sources based on recognised standards.

2) User Experiences: The subject area involves analysis, understanding of and reflection on the user's experiences and needs in various usage contexts, e.g. as part of the design and development of web applications. Focus is on user experiences in relation to design and development.

3) Development Environments: The subject area involves tools for the development of web-based applications. Focus is on commonly used development tools, version control and quality assurance tools.

  • Programme Intended Learning Goals

    The graduate will have knowledge about:

    • standards in web development
    • development environments for web development
    • general development methods in web development and an ability to reflect on their practical use within the profession

    The student will have an understanding of:

    • the role of web applications in society

    The graduate will have the skills to:

    • use methods and tools in web development to plan and develop applications based on specific development demands
    • master a suitable programming language for the implementation of development demands
    • assess and justify the choice of a suitable system to secure data and application persistence
    • use the theory and method of the domain to develop and assess user experiences adapted to relevant target groups
    • use methods for the development of user interfaces that exploit the special, aesthetic potential of web technologies, and assess and justify their value as a solution
    • use and master a suitable development environment to implement the development process
    • communicate practice-orientated and professional issues and solution models to co-operation partners and users, be they professionals or laymen.

    The graduate will be able to:

    • manage complex and development-orientated situations in web development
    • independently engage in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration on web development with a professional approach and assume responsibility within the framework of a professional code of ethics
    • identify and structure their own learning requirements and develop their own skills and competencies in web development.


Admission to the programme is in accordance with the rules of the admission order.

Programme elements

  • Local programme elements

    The local programme elements are worth 20 ECTS. The local programme elements are offered as electives at KEA.

  • Learning goals for the internship and length of internship

    The internship is organised so as to contribute to the student’s developing practical competencies in combination with the programme’s other elements. The purpose of the internship is to enable the student to apply the methods, theories and tools acquired during the course of their study to carry out specific practical assignments within Web development.

    Number of ECTS credits
    15 ECTS

    Learning objectives

    The student will gain knowledge about:
    • theories and methods and their use in practice.

    The student will get the skills to:
    • apply one of more of the methods and tools of the subject area as well as skills associated with employment within the subject area(s) or the profession
    • assess the theoretical and practical issues and argue in favour of and select appropriate solutions
    • communicate professional issues and solution models to peers and laymen or co-operation partners and users.

    The student will learn to:
    • handle complex, development-orientated professional situations in relation to the profession
    • identify their own learning requirements and structure their own learning in various learning environments
    • independently participate in disciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation with a professional approach.

    The internship completes with an exam.

    The learning objective for the programme element is identical to the learning objective for the exam.

    Rules for the completion of the internship

    Requirements for and expectations of the internship

    During the internship, the student will be working with relevant issues within the subject areas of the programme and obtain knowledge of relevant business functions. The student will be working with one or more companies. The internship can be organised flexibly and may form the basis for the student's final exam project.

    Based on the learning objectives for the internship, the student and the supervisor/contact person will jointly determine concrete outcomes for the internship which will then be the guidelines for the organisation of the student’s work during the internship period.

    The internship period is considered a full-time job with the demands on working time, efforts, commitment and flexibility which a graduate in Web development is likely to encounter in their first job.

  • Rules on internship

    The internship is a mandatory education element and an active participation is a premise in order to pass the internship. The rules below must be followed in order for KEA to approve the internship. 

    The internship equates to 15 or 30 ECTS points, equal to 10 or 20 weeks full time internship. The working hours have to be 37 hours per week. The internship is unpaid. You must have an attendance at at least 80 % of the time in your internship.

    If you cannot work the 37 hours a week you have to in the internship period because of documented health reasons, you can apply for an exemption to work fewer hours per day for an extended period, so your internship still has a weighting of 15 or 30 ECTS points.

    Following forms of internship are possible at KEA:

    • Workplace internship in Denmark or abroad.
    • Entrepreneurial Internship in your own business.

    When doing a workplace internship, you must be physically avilable in the company. If the company has a policy for working at home, the intern can follow this policy up to a maximum of 2 days per week.

    The intern must participate in assignments relevant to the study programme and be part of a relevant professional environment.

    Before the start of the internship, you have to fill out and send in KEAs internship contract and the work content should be approved as relevant for the study programme by KEA.

    The internship is a learning process with associated guidance, reflection and evaluation.

    If the internship takes place at a workplace, there must be an employee in the company, who can provide you with relevant professional sparring.

    If you choose entrepreneurial internship in your own business, you must find a relevant and external contact who can be your mentor.

    Students who chooses entrepreneurial internship in your own business cannot have other students at KEA as interns at their business.

    As a student, you are responsible for contacting potential internship companies and concluding an internship agreement before the internship period starts. KEA will however support you in the searching process.

    • All students will be assigned an internship supervisor who is a teacher from your programme. The supervisor can help you with subject-specific questions about the internship.
    • KEA has an internship coordinator who can help you with practical questions about the internship.
    • KEA mediates internship opportunities at and at career fairs.
    • You can join KEA's mentor arrangement. KEA's mentors are working KEA alumni, and they can guide you in relation to your internship search.
    • You can find further information about the internship and the search for an internship place at

    The internship completes with an exam. The exam is assessed according to the 7-point grading scale.

    The rules in this section does not apply to the bachelor’s programme in Optometry. The rules for the bachelor’s programme in Optometry can be found in the section ‘Learning goals for the internship and length of internship’ in the programmes curriculum.

  • Teaching and learning methods

    Teaching in Web development is a dynamic, interactive process that focuses on active student participation. Teaching is based on relevant business practices and relates practice to theory. Issues from the various types of business in the IT industry will be drawn upon. Students take responsibility for their own learning, and together with the teachers, they contribute constructively to the learning process.
    Various teaching methods are employed in the Web development programme to ensure the best possible learning and personal development. The emphasis is on dialogues, discussions and project work.
    Teaching is organised as a mix of classroom teaching, guest lectures, company visits, project work in groups and individual work— most often with interdisciplinary issues and always from an application-orientated starting point. The different types of learning, together with the academic content, will also help develop the student's ability to work independently and together with others.
    The programme always seeks to set clear objectives for the learning activities.
    Teaching can be organised so as to include teaching material and teaching in a foreign language.

    Differentiated teaching
    Teaching is organised as a mix of classroom teaching, guest lectures, company visits, project work in groups and individual work—most often with interdisciplinary issues and always from an application-orientated starting point. The different types of learning, together with the academic content, will also help develop the student's ability to work independently and together with others.
    The programme always seeks to set clear objectives for the learning activities.


Upon approval by the programme of an application for a pre-approved credit transfer, each individual programme element may be completed abroad.

In case of pre-approval of a period of study abroad, the student is obliged, after completing the period of study, to document the programme elements completed during the approved period of study. Upon obtaining the pre-approval, the student must consent to the institution requesting the necessary information after the student has completed the period of study.

If a credit transfer is granted, programme elements are deemed to have been completed if they have been passed in accordance with the rules applicable to the programme.

Compulsory Exam Registration

Commencement of a semester is automatic registration for its associated exams. It is not possible to unregister programme exams, cf. the Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes, section 5(4).

Programme exams

5 Term

Web programming 1 of 2 - Internal

10 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam

Web programming 2 of 2 - External

10 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam

User experience and Development Environments 1 of 2 - Internal

User Experience
10 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam
6 Term

User exerience and Development Environments 2 of 2 - External

Development Environments
10 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam

Web programming (elective) - Internal

20 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam
7 Term

Internship test - Internal

15 ECTS Written exam

Final exam project - External

Bachelor project
15 ECTS Combined written and oral exam, project exam
on the exams


  • Special exam conditions

    Students with physical or mental impairment may apply for special exam arrangements. The application must be submitted no later than four weeks before the exam. Exemptions from the deadline may be granted in the case of sudden health problems. The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate, an opinion from a speech, hearing or dyslexia therapist or an institute for the blind or the like or other documentation for health issues or a specific impairment.

    Students whose native language is not Danish may bring dictionaries to exams where no materials and aids are permitted.

    Applications for permission to bring other materials and aids must be submitted no later than four weeks before the exam.

  • Make up exams

    Make-up exams

    Students who have been unable to complete an exam due to documented illness will be given the opportunity to take the (make-up) exam as soon as possible. If the exam in question is scheduled for the final exam period, students will be given the opportunity to take the exam in the same exam period or immediately thereafter.

    The make-up exam may be identical to the next ordinary exam. Students are responsible for finding out when the (make-up) exam is held.

    Information on the time and place of make-up exams is made available on Fronter, and students are informed via KEA email.

    Illness must be documented with a medical certificate. The institution must have received the medical certificate no later than three working days after the date of the exam. Students who become acutely ill during an exam must document with a medical certificate they were ill on the date in question.

    If illness is not documented in accordance with the above rules, the student will have used one exam attempt.

    Students must pay for the required medical certificates themselves.


    Students who do not pass an exam or fail to appear at an exam will automatically be registered for the re-exam, provided that they have any exam attempts left. The re-exam may be identical to the next ordinary exam.

    Students are responsible for finding out when the re-exam is held.

    Information on the time and place of re-exams is made available on Fronter, and students are informed via KEA email.

    In special circumstances, for example in connection with documented disabilities, the institution may grant an exemption from the automatic registration for exams.


  • Exam cheating and disruptive behaviour

    Cheating at exams will be handled in accordance with the rules set out in the Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes (the Examination Order). 

    Students who cheat at an exam will be expelled from the exam.

    In case of aggravating circumstances, students may be suspended from the institution for a long or short period of time. In such event, students must be issued with a written warning stating that repeated cheating may result in permanent expulsion.

    Cheating includes:

    – Obtaining unlawful help during an exam

    – Providing unlawful help to other students during an exam

    – Presenting other people’s work as one’s own (plagiarism – see, see also section 5.15

    – Using own previously assessed work without stating the source, see also section 5.15

    – Using materials and aids not permitted for the exam in question


    Expulsion from an exam due to cheating means that the awarded grade will be withdrawn, and the student will have used one exam attempt.

    Students who exhibit disruptive behaviour during an exam may be ordered to leave the exam. In less serious cases, the institution will first warn the students.

Other rules governing the programme

  • Excemptions

    In exceptional circumstances, the institution may grant exemptions from the rules in this curriculum that are laid down exclusively by the educational institution.

  • Complaints

    The procedure for filing a complaint about the assessment, the exam process or the exam basis, such as questions, assignments or the like, is outlined below.

    The student must submit a written and reasoned complaint no later than two weeks after the exam. The complaint must be sent to

    The complaint is shown to the examiner and the co-examiner, who issue an opinion. The deadline for issuing this opinion is usually two weeks. The student (the complainant) is then invited to comment on the opinion within a deadline of one week.

    The institution will make its decision based on the complaint, the opinion and any comments. The outcome may be a new exam, a new assessment (in the case of written exams) or dismissal of the complaint. The student will then have two weeks to accept a possible new exam or assessment or to appeal the decision, if he or she has not been successful.

    What can you get out of a complaint ? If KEA rules in favour of your complaint, you will be awarded a re-exam (oral exams) or a reassessment (written exams only). KEA cannot administratively change a grade. If the re-exam or reassessment gives another grade, this grade will be your grade regardless whether it is a higher or a lower grade.