Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Jewellery, Technology and Business
Curriculum framework
This is a translated version of the Danish curriculum. In case of any discrepancies between this curriculum and the Danish curriculum, the text in the Danish curriculum applies.
Act no. 1343 of 10th December 2019 on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Lov om erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser).
Ministerial Order on Technical and Mercantile Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om tekniske og merkantile erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser).
Ministerial Order on Admission to and Enrolment on Academy Profession Programmes and Professional Bachelor Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om adgang til erhvervsakademiuddannelser og professionsbacheloruddannelser).
Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes (Bekendtgørelse om prøver og eksamen i erhvervsrettede videregående uddannelser).
Ministerial Order on the Grading Scale and Other Forms of Assessment of Study Programmes Offered under the Ministry of Higher Education and Science (the Grading Scale Order) (Bekendtgørelse om karakterskala og anden bedømmelse ved uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område).
- Effective date and transition rules
This curriculum takes effect on 1 August 2020 and applies to students enrolled on the programme after 1 August 2020.
Students enrolled before 01.08.2020 will follow the curriculum according to which they have been admitted until 01.08.2024, after which they will transfer to this curriculum.
- Graduate Title
The programme gives the graduate the right to use the title Bachelor of Jewellery, Technology and Business. The Danish title is Professionsbachelor i Smykker, Teknologi og Business.
- Programme purpose, duration and level
The aim of this Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Jewellery, Technology and Business is to qualify the graduate to apply theory and methodology for independent organisation, management and execution of complex processes leading to innovative and creative solutions in the field of jewellery.
The programme has a nominal length of study equivalent to 210 ECTS credits comprising:
1) Programme elements with a total scope of 165 ECTS credits organised within the academic areas of the programme.
2) Internship with a total scope of 30 ECTS credits.
3) Bachelor Project with a scope of 15 ECTS credits.The programme is placed on level 6 in the Danish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.
Subject areas
The programme elements are organised within the following subject areas, which comprise a total of 165 ECTS credits weighted in the ratio of 1:1:1.
1) Jewellery: The subject area includes knowledge, skills and competencies related to form and aesthetics, design theory, design understanding, design ethics, the design process in an innovative context, including the art and style history of the jewellery, trendspotting and material understanding.
2) Technology: The subject area includes technological developments — from a traditional trade to today's technology — in an innovative context, with the involvement of relevant techniques and digital technologies, including knowledge of materials and production.
3) Business: The subject area includes understanding jewellery in a commercial and innovative context, including market and industry analyses, lifestyle and consumer behaviour, market understanding and value chain as well as communication theory and methods.
- Programme Intended Learning Goals
The intended learning outcomes include the knowledge, skills, and competencies that a student in Jewellery, Technology and Business must achieve during the bachelor’s degree programme.
The graduate in Jewellery, Technology and Business will have knowledge about:
- national and global markets and trend spotting, and an ability to reflect on these.
- the design and style history of the jewellery, social structures, cultural and subcultural communities, discourses and semiotic meanings, and an ability to reflect on these.
- the influence of the surrounding society on the design of a brand in a contemporary and historical perspective, and an ability to reflect on this.
- key concepts and an ability to reflect on applied theory and methods in the field of market communication, including the importance of brand equity, branding and identity for the way the product /concept is experienced and its competitiveness, and
- the practice of the profession and applied theory and method as well as an ability to reflect on the use of materials and techniques within the profession, and
- the practice of identifying and combining low- and high-tech production by the profession and an ability to reflect on this.
The graduate in Jewellery, Technology and Business will have the skills to:
- innovatively use and master the methods, tools and concepts within the subject areas associated with the profession.
- apply and master the methods and tools pertaining to tools and materials application in the production of jewellery in an innovative way.
- apply and master the methods and tools of communication to the dissemination of practice-orientated issues as well as argumentation theory.
- apply and master the working methods of the profession, structure design processes and select relevant methods within the profession as well as evaluate, justify, and select relevant solution models in connection with the product's business and financial context.
- apply and master the methods of market research and analysis for the purpose of differentiation as well as apply knowledge of communication and presentation to the dissemination of issues, solutions and products to peers, business partners and users.
- select, justify, and disseminate commercial solutions based on an understanding of social structures, cultural and sub-cultural communities, discourses, and semiotic meanings.
- plan the production process from an ethical and sustainable perspective, develop a business model including patents, design protection, royalties, and law, evaluate and justify the choice of relevant solutions for a sales process and develop sales materials, including a description of the company's supply chain management and quality assurance.
- apply and master digital methods and tools related to material knowledge and understanding for the production of innovative jewellery.
- apply and master digital methods and tools related to product development and communication in an innovative way.
The graduate in Jewellery, Technology and Business will be able to:
- handle idea generation as a development tool in response to complex issues in the practice of the profession and handle design methods in complex and development-orientated situations in study and work contexts based on user involvement.
- evaluate and handle the production of jewellery based on material and functional issues and requirements for the jewellery's expression as defined by the market, individually as well as in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration.
- deal with complex issues within consumer behaviour and consumer trends based on lifestyle and differentiation, independently select, and apply relevant segmentation methods and maintain and manage a competitive and credible brand identity for the individual piece of jewellery and concept as well as brand management.
- within work process planning, independently manage complex and development-orientated tasks in work contexts.
- based on the knowledge of working with form and aesthetics, independently enter into disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and assume responsibility within the framework of professional ethics.
- identify their learning requirements and develop their knowledge, skill and competencies based on the theory and methods applied by the profession.
- manage the individual phases of the product development process as well as follow-up from a resource-orientated perspective and the interdependence of the phases, as well as translate complex ideas into concrete, targeted and competitive jewellery and concepts.
- observe customers' latent needs as well as decode and code concepts, products, and marketing as a starting point for targeted timing and introduction to the market, as well as development and management of sales concepts, customer care, and loyalty programmes.
- independently manage networking as well as disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration for the development of innovative products and concepts.
- independently manage disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration and utilise relevant networks in field research and problem-solving and clarify personal and professional competence as well as individual brand identity concerning jewellery and jewellery concepts.
Admission to the programme is in accordance with the rules of the admission order.
Programme elements
- National programme elements
Coursecode Title ECTS 9140111 Design & Business 7.5 9140112 Jewellery and Technology 1 12.5 9140113 Jewellery and Alternative Materials 5 9140211 Design & Jewellery History 10 9140212 Company collaboration 1 15 9140311 Jewellery and Technology 2 10 9140312 Company Collaboration 2 - Design & business 15 9140411 Sustainable entrepreneurship 1 25 9140511 Internship 30 9140611 Academic Writing 5 9140711 Elective Module: Idea, Process & Knowledge 15 9140712 Professional Bachelor Project 15
- Local programme elements
The programme contains seven local subject elements - one of which will form the basis for the elective subjects.
Coursecode Title ECTS 9140114 Digital Prototypes 5 9140213 Casting 5 9140313 Company Collaboration 2 - Jewellery & Technology 5 9140412 Sustainable entrepreneurship 2 5 9140612 Digital Jewellery 10 9140613 Innovation, technology & business 15
- Electives
Coursecode Title ECTS 9140711 Elective Module: Idea, Process & Knowledge 15 9140710 Elective Module: Idea, Process & Knowledge - 15
- Learning goals for the internship and length of internship
(30 ECTS)
The purpose of the internship is to combine theory and methods with everyday practice in a company. The internship must qualify the student to analyse, evaluate, plan, and execute projects based on practical issues.
Learning objectives for the internship
The student will gain knowledge about:
− the practice of the profession and the subject area and applied theory and method and an ability to reflect on their practical application at the internship company.
− professional relations between the subject areas of the programme and the internship company and its markets.Skills
The student will get the skills to:
− apply the methods and tools of one or more subject areas and skills associated with the performance of tasks at the internship company.
− research and identify relevant knowledge in relation to the performance of tasks at the internship company.
− evaluate the theoretical and practical issues and argue in favour of and select appropriate solution models.
− disseminate practice-orientated problems and solutions to the company and users.Competencies
The student will learn to:
− handle complex, development-orientated tasks in relation to specific issues at the internship company.
− independently enter into disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration with an innovative and professional approach.
− identify their own learning requirements and structure their own learning in relation to tasks performed at the internship company.
− analyse and discuss a proposed solution and its value creation potential directly in relation to the internship company or a business idea.Rules for the completion of the internship
The internship is a compulsory programme element, and active participation is a prerequisite for the completion of the internship.
The internship takes place in the 3rd year of study and extends over 20 consecutive weeks, including the written assignment and the exam.
The working hours should be 37 hours/week. The internship must be unpaid.
If a student provides valid documentation for why they should not work for 37 hours a week during their internship, they may apply for an exemption to be granted. They will then work fewer hours a day over a longer period of time in order not to affect the internship scope of 30 ECTS credits.
Internships offered at KEA:
- Work placement in Denmark or abroad
- Entrepreneurial internship in the student’s own businessBefore commencement of the internship, the student must fill in and submit KEA's internship contract and the work-related content must be approved as relevant by KEA. The internship is a learning process with associated guidance, reflection, and evaluation.
Work placement requires that an employee in the company engages in relevant professional discussions and feedback with the intern. If a student does an entrepreneurial internship in their own business, they must find a relevant, external contact who can act as a mentor. When a student does an entrepreneurial internship in their own business, students from KEA cannot undertake a work placement with them.
The student must take the initiative to contact potential internship companies for the purpose of entering an internship contract before the internship period starts, but KEA will be there to support them in the search process. All students are assigned an internship supervisor — a teacher from the programme, who can help them with subject-specific questions regarding the internship.
KEA’s internship coordinator may help students with practical questions about the internship. Internships will be advertised on WWW.JOBPORTAL.KEA.DK and at career fairs. Students may sign up for KEA's mentor scheme. KEA's mentors are former KEA students in employment, who may help students in their search for an internship.
More detailed information about internships and internship searches can be found at
The internship completes with a written exam with an internal assessment according to the 7-point grading scale.
- Rules on internship
The internship is a mandatory education element and an active participation is a premise in order to pass the internship. The rules below must be followed in order for KEA to approve the internship.
The internship equates to 15 or 30 ECTS points, equal to 10 or 20 weeks full time internship. The working hours have to be 37 hours per week. The internship is unpaid. You must have an attendance at at least 80 % of the time in your internship.
If you cannot work the 37 hours a week you have to in the internship period because of documented health reasons, you can apply for an exemption to work fewer hours per day for an extended period, so your internship still has a weighting of 15 or 30 ECTS points.
Following forms of internship are possible at KEA:
- Workplace internship in Denmark or abroad.
- Entrepreneurial Internship in your own business.
When doing a workplace internship, you must be physically avilable in the company. If the company has a policy for working at home, the intern can follow this policy up to a maximum of 2 days per week.
The intern must participate in assignments relevant to the study programme and be part of a relevant professional environment.
Before the start of the internship, you have to fill out and send in KEAs internship contract and the work content should be approved as relevant for the study programme by KEA.
The internship is a learning process with associated guidance, reflection and evaluation.
If the internship takes place at a workplace, there must be an employee in the company, who can provide you with relevant professional sparring.
If you choose entrepreneurial internship in your own business, you must find a relevant and external contact who can be your mentor.
Students who chooses entrepreneurial internship in your own business cannot have other students at KEA as interns at their business.
As a student, you are responsible for contacting potential internship companies and concluding an internship agreement before the internship period starts. KEA will however support you in the searching process.
- All students will be assigned an internship supervisor who is a teacher from your programme. The supervisor can help you with subject-specific questions about the internship.
- KEA has an internship coordinator who can help you with practical questions about the internship.
- KEA mediates internship opportunities at and at career fairs.
- You can join KEA's mentor arrangement. KEA's mentors are working KEA alumni, and they can guide you in relation to your internship search.
- You can find further information about the internship and the search for an internship place at
The internship completes with an exam. The exam is assessed according to the 7-point grading scale.
The rules in this section does not apply to the bachelor’s programme in Optometry. The rules for the bachelor’s programme in Optometry can be found in the section ‘Learning goals for the internship and length of internship’ in the programmes curriculum.
- Teaching and learning methods
Teaching and learning methods are adapted to the individual programme elements in order to further the opportunity to develop students' professional competencies in their capacity of Professional Bachelors in Jewellery, Technology and Business and continue in qualifying further education.
The teaching is organised so that the student will come across various teaching and working methods, the purpose of which is to promote independence, cooperation skills, capacity for reflection and the ability to create professional innovation. Teaching is a mix of lectures, interdisciplinary projects, classroom training, group work, guidance, and independent work as well as problem-orientated tasks. Students work individually and in groups; however, as far as individual learning goes, students are encouraged to set up study groups to support each student in the learning process and problem resolutions.
The internship involves a combination of theory and practice and a practice-orientated approach to teaching. Many tasks and projects will be developed in collaboration with a company. The teaching is organised in modules, and each module has independent overall learning objectives to ensure continuity in the teaching process.
The extent of the teaching corresponds to a full-time study. It is important that students are active during their studies and take responsibility for continuous learning.
When there is no scheduled teaching, students are expected to spend the time preparing. Preparation is the time the individual student or study group spend preparing for the subject/programme. This could be time spent reading notes from a class, watching video recorded lessons, reading the syllabus, doing group work, doing project work, working in one of KEA's workshops, searching for information, gathering empirical data, portfolio work, assignment work, exercises, attending conferences or exhibitions, etc.
It is possible to take part of the programme abroad. See exchange rules on KEA's website.
The internship can also take place abroad as an international internship.
It is possible for the student to complete semester 4 or 6 abroad.
KEA must pre-approve the educational institution and the academic content of the programme course in question before a student can get credit transfer.
No agreements have been made with foreign educational institutions on joint degree or double degree.
Compulsory Exam Registration
Commencement of a semester is automatic registration for its associated exams. It is not possible to unregister programme exams, cf. the Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes, section 5(4).
Programme exams
Basic theory and practice in Jewellery, Technology and Business
Jewellery design and concept exam
Portfolio and Personal branding exam
Entrepreneurship exam
Internship exam
Innovation, Business case and Value creation exam
Elective exam
Professional Bachelor Project
on the exams
- Commencement of studies exam
Not relevant for this programme.
- First-year exam
The first-year exam consists of (one of) the test(s) that must be passed in the first and second semester of the programme. Students must pass the first-year exam before the end of the first year of study in order to continue the programme.
- Passing the first-year-exam
The first-year-exam must be passed before the end of the first year of study in order for the student to continue with the education.
- Final exam
(15 ECTS credits)
The professional bachelor project consists of a written assignment as well as one or more products that will be defended at an oral exam.
Together with the programme’s other exams, the professional bachelor project must demonstrate that the programme’s goals for learning outcomes have been achieved.The purpose of the professional bachelor project is to give the students an opportunity to independently carry out project work that includes experimental, empirical, theoretical, and practical handling of a specific problem within the programme areas. The project must demonstrate independent critical reflection which must be documented in a bachelor assignment and one or more products.
The professional bachelor project in the final semester concludes the programme when all other exams have been passed.
The overall assessment of a professional bachelor project includes the student's writing skills. The academic content will carry most weight, while the writing skills will carry less, however, not insignificant, weight, with spelling carrying only insignificant weight.
Spelling and writing skills may be disregarded upon the student’s documentation of a relevant specific impairment.
- Special exam conditions
Students with physical or mental impairment may apply for special exam arrangements. The application must be submitted no later than four weeks before the exam. Exemptions from the deadline may be granted in the case of sudden health problems. The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate, an opinion from a speech, hearing or dyslexia therapist or an institute for the blind or the like or other documentation for health issues or a specific impairment.
Students whose native language is not Danish may bring dictionaries to exams where no materials and aids are permitted.
Applications for permission to bring other materials and aids must be submitted no later than four weeks before the exam.
- Make up exams
Make-up exams
Students who have been unable to complete an exam due to documented illness will be given the opportunity to take the (make-up) exam as soon as possible. If the exam in question is scheduled for the final exam period, students will be given the opportunity to take the exam in the same exam period or immediately thereafter.
The make-up exam may be identical to the next ordinary exam. Students are responsible for finding out when the (make-up) exam is held.
Information on the time and place of make-up exams is made available on Fronter, and students are informed via KEA email.
Illness must be documented with a medical certificate. The institution must have received the medical certificate no later than three working days after the date of the exam. Students who become acutely ill during an exam must document with a medical certificate they were ill on the date in question.
If illness is not documented in accordance with the above rules, the student will have used one exam attempt.
Students must pay for the required medical certificates themselves.
Students who do not pass an exam or fail to appear at an exam will automatically be registered for the re-exam, provided that they have any exam attempts left. The re-exam may be identical to the next ordinary exam.
Students are responsible for finding out when the re-exam is held.
Information on the time and place of re-exams is made available on Fronter, and students are informed via KEA email.
In special circumstances, for example in connection with documented disabilities, the institution may grant an exemption from the automatic registration for exams.
- Exam cheating and disruptive behaviour
Cheating at exams will be handled in accordance with the rules set out in the Ministerial Order on Examinations on Professionally Oriented Higher Education Programmes (the Examination Order).
Students who cheat at an exam will be expelled from the exam.
In case of aggravating circumstances, students may be suspended from the institution for a long or short period of time. In such event, students must be issued with a written warning stating that repeated cheating may result in permanent expulsion.
Cheating includes:
– Obtaining unlawful help during an exam
– Providing unlawful help to other students during an exam
– Presenting other people’s work as one’s own (plagiarism – see, see also section 5.15
– Using own previously assessed work without stating the source, see also section 5.15
– Using materials and aids not permitted for the exam in question
Expulsion from an exam due to cheating means that the awarded grade will be withdrawn, and the student will have used one exam attempt.
Students who exhibit disruptive behaviour during an exam may be ordered to leave the exam. In less serious cases, the institution will first warn the students.
Other rules governing the programme
- Rules on compulsory attendance
The students are required to participate in the programme elements in accordance with the rules laid down in this curriculum.
- Credit transfer
Successfully completed programme elements are equivalent to the corresponding programme elements at other educational institutions offering the programme.
Students are obliged to provide information on completed programme elements from other Danish or foreign higher education programmes and on any employment for which credit transfer may be granted.
On a case-by-case basis, the educational institution approves credit transfers based on completed programme elements and job experience comparable to subjects, programme elements and internships.
The decision is based on an academic evaluation.
In case of pre-approval of a period of study in Denmark or abroad, the student is obliged, after completing the period of study, to document the programme elements completed during the approved period of study.
Upon obtaining the pre-approval, the student must consent to the institution requesting the necessary information after the student has completed the period of study.
If a credit transfer is granted as described above, programme elements are deemed to have been completed if they have been passed in accordance with the rules applicable to the programme in question.
- Criteria for the assessment of active enrolment
Students are expected to actively participate in their study. This means active participation in the teaching and submission of assignments on time. KEA assesses the active enrolment of each student according to the following criteria:
Non-submission of mandatory activities
In the case of non-submission of mandatory activities, as specified in the individual module descriptions, the teacher and student will agree on a new deadline for submission, or the student will be given a substitute assignment to do.Failure to meet important deadlines
Active enrolment is also assessed based on the student's observing important deadlines, such as the submission of an internship contract.Not taking part in written and oral exams
Active enrolment is also assessed in the case of non-submission of exam assignments and failure to appear for an oral exam.In all of the above cases, the student may be contacted on their KEA email by KEA Study Administration in order to clarify their status as an active student. Students are therefore expected to stay up to date via their personal KEA email and, in the absence of feedback after repeated attempts to get in contact with the student, the student may be disenrolled from the study.
- Disenrolment due to insufficient study activity
Students may be disenrolled if they have not passed at least one exam within a consecutive period of one year.
- Excemptions
In exceptional circumstances, the institution may grant exemptions from the rules in this curriculum that are laid down exclusively by the educational institution.
- Complaints
The procedure for filing a complaint about the assessment, the exam process or the exam basis, such as questions, assignments or the like, is outlined below.
The student must submit a written and reasoned complaint no later than two weeks after the exam. The complaint must be sent to
The complaint is shown to the examiner and the co-examiner, who issue an opinion. The deadline for issuing this opinion is usually two weeks. The student (the complainant) is then invited to comment on the opinion within a deadline of one week.
The institution will make its decision based on the complaint, the opinion and any comments. The outcome may be a new exam, a new assessment (in the case of written exams) or dismissal of the complaint. The student will then have two weeks to accept a possible new exam or assessment or to appeal the decision, if he or she has not been successful.
What can you get out of a complaint ? If KEA rules in favour of your complaint, you will be awarded a re-exam (oral exams) or a reassessment (written exams only). KEA cannot administratively change a grade. If the re-exam or reassessment gives another grade, this grade will be your grade regardless whether it is a higher or a lower grade.